Improvement of theoretical bases and methods of assessment, prognosis and optimization of geographical systems including water systems taking into account regional specific of Kazakhstan:

  • Theoretical-methodical bases of atlas cartography of the Republic of Kazakhstan at national, regional and branch-wise levels;
  • Theory and calculating methods of components of water-glacial balance of inner-continental glacial systems, methodic of prognosis of dynamic of glacial systems taking into account probable climate change;
  • Theory and calculating methods of mapping of parameters of snowness for studied and not studied areas;
  • Theoretical bases of ecological stability of water systems of drainless basins including lakes of Central Asia taking into account climatic changes and economic activities;
  • Conceptual bases of assurance of water security of natural-economic systems of Kazakhstan, methods of assessment of scenario of water provision of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Theoretical bases, criteria and methods of assessment of natural dangers such as mudflows, avalanches, landslides, floods and other hydrometeorological phenomena;

Implementation of main results of researches into praxis of rational nature management and protection of natural resources:

  • 30-volume monograph «Water resources of Kazakhstan: assessment, prognosis and management», purposed for prognosis, planning, projecting and efficient management of water resources;
  • hydroecological justification of counter-regulation of Syrdaria river runoff in Kazakhstan part of Aral Sea basin, realized in project of construction of Koksarai water storage basin;
  • hydrological reasoning of integrated management of water resources of Syrdaria delta used in projects of reconstruction of delta lake systems and water-economic infrastructure.

Particular researches of Institute of geography in the frames of fundamental and applied works:

  1. By problems of assessment of water resources and water provision of Kazakhstan. Results of researches were reported at the session of Security Council on 06.03.2012 and were approved. For the first time in Kazakhstan the results were provided in 30-volume monograph.
  2. By order of Government, Institute of geography made scientific justification of necessity of projecting and construction of Koksarai water storage basin (Decision №944 from 23.08.2005).
  3. Results of big work connected with study of sow-ice resources of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries of Central Asia received acceptance by leading foreign specialists and that was a base for Agreement between Government of Kazakhstan and UNESCO made on 29.05.2012 about foundation by Institute of geography of glaciological Center under the auspices of UNESCO.
  4. Nowadays in accordance with Decision of Security Council, Institute is developing large-scale scientific-technical program «Water security of the Republic of Kazakhstan: geospatial informational system «Water resources of Kazakhstan and their use».
  5. Institute is doing responsible work on scientific assurance of negotiation process for interstate water division with China in basins of transboundary rivers Ile and Ertis.

Future development of researches of Institute of geography by water security is connected with scientific assurance of geopolitical, water-economic, social-economic and ecological aspects of sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Main direction of Institute is reasoning of strategic measures for stable water supply to population, industry, nature of regions of the republic in conditions of expected climate change and economic impacts to trasboundary runoff from the territories of neighboring countries.

In the area of research works there were made wade-range of researches by security of life activity, desertification and degradation of soils. There were made atlas maps of different scale.