Field work in the Alatau Silt

On February 23, 2023, employees of the Laboratory of Natural Hazards of the dgs V.P. Blagoveshchensky and cgs T.S. Gulyaev conducted field work in the Alatau Silt in the Talgar Pass area at an altitude of 3250 m. In a 120 cm deep snow pit, snow characteristics were studied to determine its stability and the possibility of avalanches. According to the results of the surveys, Avalanche Bulletin No. 16 was issued. The chief researcher of the Laboratory of Natural Hazards, dgs V.P. Blagoveshchensky in the field gave an interview to the TV channels Khabar 24 and Channel 1 Eurasia. In an interview, V.P. Blagoveshchensky described the avalanche danger in the Alatau Silt, spoke about the work of the Institute of Geography and Water Safety on the study of avalanches, in particular, on the issue of an Avalanche Bulletin, gave recommendations to tourists on safe behavior in the mountains during an avalanche-prone period. The interview was broadcast on TV news on the evening of February 23, 2023.