About a business trip to Paris (France) Chairman of the National Commission for Hydrology of UNESCO, Director of LLP "Institute of Geography" Academician of NAS RK Medeu A.R. and Honorary Chairman of the National Commission for Hydrology of UNESCO, Academician of NAS RK Severskiy I.V.
of the trip: participation in the 55th session of the UNESCO IHP Bureau for the Hydrological Program from 20 to 22 June this year, as well as addressing issues:
1) Determine the possibility of supporting UNESCO on the proposed project on the water issue of the Central Asian region;
2) The same is for snow and ice resources;
3) Negotiation process for the publication of a monograph under of UNESCO;
4) To speak at a conference on mudflow problems.
After the speech Medeu A.R. were asked a lot of questions. Then had a fairly detailed discussion with the head of the UNESCO water department, Alisa Aureli, who took our proposal with great interest. Agreed on the procedure, on potential donors, the selection of experts from the CARС and the preparation of a project based on the speech. Aureli A. assured, for her part, that the initial funding for the organization of the meeting, the payment of foreign experts from UNESCO will take over.