The head of the laboratory is PhD Naurozbayeva Zhanar

The history of the laboratory

Climate change has a significant impact on all spheres of human activity and the environment. Kazakhstan ratified the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1995, the Kyoto Protocol in 2009 and the Paris Agreement in 2016. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered a speech at the World Climate Summit, which was held within the framework of the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai in 2023, where he said that the climate emergency is a global crisis that requires a global response, and only collective action and cooperation will help us resolve the climate crisis.

Drawing attention to the vulnerability of most of the territory of Kazakhstan to climate change, scientists identify a number of problems that require scientific solutions. In this regard, on the basis of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security" on May 4, 2024, a new laboratory for "Regional climate change" was opened, Dr. PhD Naurozbayeva Zhanar was appointed head of the laboratory.

The laboratory's research area is climate change, global and regional atmospheric processes, rational use of resources in the face of climate change, sustainable development goals, and measures to adapt to modern climatic conditions.

Goals and objectives of the laboratory:

- Conducting research work on grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, on grants from other Ministries and state bodies, including regional ones, on competition (request) from other domestic and foreign organizations;  

- increasing the complexity of research conducted by the laboratories of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security" and strengthening the scientific results obtained by climate research;

- creation of a network of national research groups to carry out independent research on these problems and coordinate their activities within the framework of the laboratory's research programs;

- development and promotion of international cooperation in key areas of the laboratory's activities;

- publication of the laboratory's research results in domestic and foreign scientific and popular journals.

Priority areas of scientific research:

1. Research of regional climatic changes using modern methods. Development and implementation of projects in the field of climate research. Assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources (rivers, large bodies of water).

2. Calculation of future climatic components for the regions in demand using recommended methods of the world's leading organizations and groups of experts in the field of climatology.

3. Conducting research and experimental work using new technologies of digitalization and visualization, integrating research results, as well as their publication in scientific periodicals.

4. Human resources development - participation in scientific internships, conferences, seminars and webinars, advanced training courses. Organizing and participating in events at various levels related to climate research in order to educate and share experiences.


The laboratory staff: 2 PhD , 2 doctoral students and 1 undergraduate student.

The laboratory staff are highly qualified specialists in the field of climatology, meteorology, and agrometeorology with more than 15 years of experience. Their publishing activities cover a wide range of highly rated periodicals.

The laboratory has the principle of a network organization of research, which assumes the presence of a small group of constantly working researchers and a circle of temporarily contracted scientists to perform certain studies.

Employees of the Laboratory of Regional Climate Change at the opening of the laboratory with the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Safety" Medeu A.R.

The scientific results obtained:

Currently, laboratory staff are participating in the program of targeted financing "Water Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the transboundary Zhaiyk-Caspian basin: strategy for sustainable water supply until 2050".


- assessment of the climatic condition of the Caspian region, the Caspian Sea;

- assessment of changes in the thermal regime over the Caspian Sea;

- assessment of sea level changes, both background for the historical period, and for marine stations and posts in the Northern and Middle Caspian Sea;

- assessment of the ice regime of the Caspian Sea;

- assessment of characteristic dates of the sea ice regime;

- statistical analysis of hydrometeorological parameters in the Caspian Sea area;

- maps of the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrometeorological parameters have been constructed.

The laboratory is also working on the publication of the scientific journal "Geography and Water Resources". The journal is indexed in the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazBC) of JSC National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise (NCGNTE), as well as in the Russian citation databases of the RSCI (e-Library) and Cyber Leninka. The journal is published quarterly, both in paper form, with a circulation of 300 copies, and in electronic form. The founder and publisher of the journal is JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Safety". The journal's articles are indexed in the CrossRef database and each article is assigned a DOI, an international digital identifier of a scientific publication, provides citation and serves as a permanent reference to the location of the article.

The scientific journal Geography and Water Resources, published by the Institute of Geography and Water Safety JSC, is included in the List of publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for publishing the main results of scientific activities, according to Order No. 288 dated February 29, 2024.

Main publications:

1. Lobanov V.A., Naurozbayeva Zh.K. The impact of climate change on the ice regime of the Northern Caspian Sea. Monograph − St. Petersburg, RGGMU, 2021. – 140 p.\

2. Kholoptsev, A., Naurozbayeva, Zh. (2022). The Northern Caspian Levels and Its Ice Regime Changing During Current Climate Warming. In: Karev, V.I. (eds) Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. 1st ed. 2022. 337 p. (133-146 p)

3.   Kholoptsev, A., Naurozbayeva, Zh. Estimates of the Periodicity of Atmospheric Blockings Over Kazakhstan in the Spring–Summer Time According to Era 5 Reanalysis Data. In: Karev, V.I. (eds) Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment. Processes—2022, Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences, /. 2023. 19-30 p.

4.  Zhanar Naurozbayeva, Aziza Baubekova, Anastasia Kvasha, Vladimir Lobanov, Bjorn Kløve & Ali Torabi Haghighi (2023) Determining factors for changes in the ice regime of the Caspian Sea, International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2023.2231099

5. Kholoptsev A., Naurozbayeva Zh. Assessment of the recurrence of atmospheric blockages over the Caspian region in the winter months of 1959-2022 and their impact on the ice regime of the Northern Caspian Sea // Ice and snow. 2024. No. 1. pp. 121-132. DOI: 10.31857/S2076673424010094

6. Klein I., Dietz A., Gessner U., Kuenzer C., Galayeva A., Myrzakhmetov A. Evaluation of seasonal water body extents in Central Asia over the past 27 years derived from medium-resolution remote sensing data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2014. Vol. 26. No. 1. pp. 335-349.

7. Terekhov A., Ivkina N., Abayev N., Galayeva A., Yeltay A. Features of snow cover of semi-deserts and dry steppes of the Caspian Sea according to satellite data for the period 2001-2019. Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, 2020, 17(5), 181–190

8. Kozhakhmetov P., Eleuova K., Baimagambetov B., Zhunisova M. Zoning of the territories of Kazakhstan by temperature effects // Hydrometeorology and Ecology, No. 3, 2015, p. 8.

9. Eleuova K., Zhunisova M., Kuzhageldina N., Mamytova A. Analysis of aerosynoptic conditions for the formation of periods with a high level of pollution in Ust-Kamenogorsk // Hydrometeorology and Ecology, No. 4, 2020, p. 98

10. Abayev N.N., Kauazov A., Eleuova K., Turashev Sh., Zhambalina F., Zhunisova M. Air Pollution Forecast Guide, Nur-Sultan 2021.

11. Naurozbayeva Zh. Climatic characteristics of precipitation and air temperature in the territory of southern and southeastern Kazakhstan during the warm period. // Quarterly scientific and technical journal "Hydrometeorology and Ecology" 2011 No. 3. p. 95-101

12. Ivkina N., Naurozbayeva Zh. Changes in the characteristics of the ice regime of the Kazakh part of the Caspian Sea, in connection with climate change. // Quarterly scientific and technical journal "Hydrometeorology and Ecology" 2015 No. 2. p. 28-35

13. Ivkina N., Terekhov A., Naurozbayeva Zh. Fluctuations in the Caspian Sea level and diagnostics of modern changes in the position of the coastline according to LANDSAT satellite data for the period 2005-2015. // Quarterly scientific and technical journal "Hydrometeorology and Ecology" 2015 No. 2. p. 89-99

14. Lobanov V., Naurozbayeva Zh. Climatic changes in ice thickness in the northern Caspian Sea // Scientific notes of the RSMU. 2018. No. 53. p. 172-187.

15. Naurozbayeva Zh. Macrocirculatory processes and their influence on changes in the ice phenomena of the Caspian Sea. // Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "Bulletin. Geographical series" No.2 (57). Almaty "Kazakh University" 2020. p. 41-53 DOI:10.26577/JGEM.2020.v57.i2.04

16. Naurozbayeva Zh., Lobanov V. Methodology for short-term forecasting of ice thickness increase in the northeastern sector of the Caspian Sea. // Scientific journal "Geographical Bulletin" of Perm State National Research University. 2020. No.3 (54). p. 82-98 DOI:10.17072/2079-7877-2020-3-81-97

17. Naurozbayeva Zh., Lobanov V. Change in the wind regime of the northern and middle Caspian Sea in the cold half of the year. // Quarterly scientific and technical journal "Hydrometeorology and Ecology" 2020. No. 4. p. 36-45

18. Lobanov V., Naurozbayeva Zh. On possible changes in the thickness of sea ice in the Caspian Sea in the current century. // Hydrometeorology and ecology. Scientific notes of RGGMU. 2021. No. 62. p. 75-95 DOI:10.33933/2074-2762-2021-62-75-95

19. Lobanov V., Naurozbayeva Zh. Climatic characteristics of the fogs of the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea and their changes from 1970 to 2020 // Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 2023, No. 9(1), p. 1-18.

20. Naurozbayeva, Zh. (2024). Assessment of the impact of atmospheric circulation on the ice regime and the level of the Caspian Sea. Central Asian Journal of Water Resources Research, 10(1), p. 68-90.

21. Kozhakhmetov P., Monkayeva G. Assessment of evaporation from the water surface based on actual measurement data using GGI-3000 (on the example of the Ili-Balkash basin). Almaty – 2017. Hydrometeorology and ecology No.3. p. 49-60   

22. Monkayeva G. Climatic conditions of recreational facilities: the Borovoye resort area, the Medeu alpine skating rink and the Shymkent ski resort. Almaty – 2018. Hydrometeorology and ecology No.3. p. 63-72

23. Ilyakova R., Monkayeva G. A brief description of the current regime of surface air temperature in the territory of the Yertis and Ili-Balkash basins. Almaty – 2018. Hydrometeorology and Ecology No.3. p.7-22

24. Eltai A., Galayeva A. Data analysis of the atlas of the world ocean in relation to the Caspian Sea. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2020. No. 3 (98). p. 44-51

25. Ivkina N., Galayeva A., Sairov S., Dolgikh S., Smirnova E. Assessment of the annual flow of the Zhaiyk River (Ural) in the alignment near the village of Kushum for the future up to 2050, taking into account climate change. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2020. No. 3 (98). p. 52-69

26. Ivkina N., Terekhov A., Eltai A., Galayeva A. Features of the water regime of the Emba River (east coast of the Caspian Sea). Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2020. No. 3 (98). p. 93-110.

27. Ivkina N., Galayeva A. Changes in the main components of the water balance of the Caspian Sea under the influence of climate. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2020. No. 4 (99). p. 16-28

28. Ivkina N., Galayeva A Forecasting wind waves in the Caspian Sea using the SWAN model. Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2017. No. 2 (85). p. 36-45

29. Shivareva S., Galayeva A., Aznabakieva M., Kishkimbayeva A. Analysis of the long-term dynamics of the intra-annual distribution of river flow in the basins of the Ile and Ertis rivers within Kazakhstan in connection with climatic changes. // Hydrometeorology and ecology. – No.3. – 2015. – p. 78-92

30. Galayeva A. Change in the flow of the Ili river in the area from the hydrometric section 164 km above the Kapshagai HPP to the Kapshagai tract. // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. 2014. Vol. 14. No. 7. p. 93-95

31. Shivareva S., Galayeva A. Analysis of flow changes in the river basin. Or within Kazakhstan and China in connection with climate change // Hydrometeorology and Ecology. 2014. No. 1 (72). p. 68-80

32. Tursunov E., Madibekov A., Ranova S., Galayeva A. Modern bathygraphic characteristics of the Kapshagai reservoir. // Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2014. No. 2 (73). p. 105-110

33. Galayeva A. On the possibility of using the HBV model to simulate the flow of the Ili and Irtysh rivers. // Hydrometeorology and ecology. 2013. No. 2 (69). p. 108-114

Prospects for the development of the laboratory

1. Development of experimental climatology with integration into related fields of activity.

2. Application and improvement of research methods, adaptation of the experience of world scientists to the regions under consideration.

3. Development of human resources.

4. Development of cooperation with relevant organizations, domestic and international scientists, researchers.

5. In the long term, the formation of a basic scientific systematic approach in the field of climate research (scientific school).

Laboratory activities

 Round table "Regional climate change as conditions for the formation of water resources in the Aral-Syrdarya basin"

Chairman of the Board of JSC "Institute of Geography and Water Security" Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, Professor of Medeu Akhmetkal and Head of the Laboratory of Regional climate change – PhD, Senior Researcher Naurozbayeva Zhanar

Participation of laboratory staff at the round table "Regional climate change as conditions for the formation of water resources in the Aral-Syrdarya basin"

The Third High-level International Conference on the International Decade of Action "Water for Sustainable Development", 2018-2028, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The work processes of the laboratory staff

"Promotion of a scientific publication on the eLIBRARY.RU platform" Seminar on the promotion of the scientific journal "Geography and Water Resources"