Category Archives: Блог Института-en

Командировка сотрудников Института Географии

ОТЧЕТ о командировке сотрудников ТОО «Институт Географии» - руководителя лаборатории гидрохимии и экологической токсикологии Мадибеков А.С. и МНС лаборатории гляциологии Сайдалиевой З.Р. в Великобританию (г. Рединг)   В рамках совместного проекта на научную стажировку «SCWAI: Solutions to secure clean water in the glacier-fed catchments of Central Asia – what happens after the ice?» («Решения для…
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On April 24, 2019 in connection with the institutional accreditation of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University from the ARQA University accreditation agency, independent experts visited the Institute of Geography with an external visit as a base for students' practice of the KazNU Evgeny Evgenievich Shvakov - Grand Phd in Economic Sciences, Altai State University Gani…
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Two members of the laboratory of natural hazards of the Institute of Geography, V.P. Blagovechshenskiy and V.V. Zhdanov, participated in the Training on risk assessment and forecasting avalanches. The training was held on January 22-31, 2019 in Almaty as part of the “Project to strengthen the early warning system of hazardous events in the mountainous…
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