Category Archives: Полевые исследования

Field work in the Alatau Silt

On February 23, 2023, employees of the Laboratory of Natural Hazards of the dgs V.P. Blagoveshchensky and cgs T.S. Gulyaev conducted field work in the Alatau Silt in the Talgar Pass area at an altitude of 3250 m. In a 120 cm deep snow pit, snow characteristics were studied to determine its stability and the…
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Flight results of Ile Alatau July 2022

 A joint overflight of the mountainous regions of Ile Alatau was carried out on July 18, 2022.  Specialists of the State Institution "Kazselezashchita", the Department of Emergency Situations of Almaty, the Republican State Enterprise "Kazhydromet" and the Institute of Geography and Water Security participated. The purpose of the flight was to survey the state of…
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Aerovisual survey of avalanche danger in Ile Alatau

On March 3, 2022, employees of the Natural Hazards Laboratory took part in an aerial visual survey of the avalanche danger in Ile Alatau. The survey was conducted by Kazselezashchita by helicopter. The route passed along the basins of the rivers Uzyn Kargaly, Shamalgan, Kaskelen, Aksai, Kargaly, Ulken Almaty, Kishi Almaty, Talgar, Esik, Turgen. During…
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