Field research 2019 in the basins of the Ertis and Ile rivers

The composition of the research team:

Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and environmental toxicology: Chair of Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and environmental toxicology A.S. Madibekov, researcher L.T. Ismukhanova, junior researcher R.A. Kulbekova, junior researcher A.O. Zhadi.

Trip date:

Ile River from May 1 to May 11, 2019

Ertis River from June 24 to July 18, 2019

Purpose: A field research of the hydrochemical and toxicological parameters of the water of the Ertis and Ile rivers, as well as their main tributaries.

  Tasks: Water sampling for hydrochemical and toxicological parameters in key areas.


Ile river and its main tributaries

From May 1 to May 11, 2019, were conducted a field research on the river Ile and its main tributaries. In 2019, was added a target of the river Tekes. Hydrophysical measurements (pH, water temperature) and hydrochemical analyzes (determination of the content of organic substances by permanganate oxidation) in a field laboratory, as well as the content of dissolved gases, and mineralization of water were performed at 12 main sites.

For chemical analysis in the laboratory of the Institute were selected water samples in the amount of 12 samples to determine the salt composition, the content of heavy metals to determine polychlorinated biphenyls.

Отбор проб и измерение гидрофизических и гидрохимических параметров с помощью мультипараметрового анализатора воды Horiba – U50 на гидрологическом посту Добын

Sampling and measurement of hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters using the Horiba-U50 multi-parameter water analyzer at the Dobyn hydrological post

Выполнение записи измеренных гидрофизических и гидрохимических параметров на гидрологическом посту Добын

Recording  measured hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters at a Dobyn hydrological post


Ведение полевых дневников и запись измеренных параметров

Keeping field diaries and recording measured parameters

Отбор проб на реке Текес

Sampling on the Tekes river

Анализ первого дня на реке Шарын

Analysis of the first day on the Sharyn river

Анализ первого дня на реке Иле, гидрологический пост 37 км ниже Капчагайской ГЭС

Analysis of the first day on the Ile river, hydrological post is located 37 km below the Kapchagai hydroelectric station


Отбор проб на реке Шелек

Sampling on the Shelek river

Ertis river and its main tributaries

Field study of hydrochemical and toxicological parameters of the river Ertis and their main tributaries continued from June 24 to July 18, 2019.

Hydrophysical measurements (pH, water temperature) and hydrochemical analyzes (determination of the content of organic substances by permanganate oxidation) in a field laboratory, as well as the content of dissolved gases (CO2 (mg / dm3), O2 (mg / dm3 % – saturation), mineralization of water.

For chemical analyzes, 22 samples of water were taken in the laboratory of the institute to determine the salt composition, the content of heavy metals and to determine polychlorinated biphenyls.

Измерение гидрофизических параметров с помощью иономера С933 «Consort» (р. Кокпекты)

Measurement of hydrophysical parameters using the Consort C933 ionomer (Kokpekty river)


Измерение гидрофизических параметров и отбор проб воды (р. Кара Ертис, створ Боран)

Measurement of hydrophysical parameters and water sampling (Kara Ertis river, Boran target)


 10  11

First day analysis

Река Глубочанка

Glubochanka river

Река Ертис – выше города Оскемен

Ertis river - above Oskemen

Measurement of hydrophysical parameters and water sampling of determine the ionic composition and heavy metal content

Река Оба. Размещение полевого лагеря

 Field camp location on the Oba river

According to the results of the field research, were taken water samples:

- determination of ion-salt composition and content of heavy metals – 34 samples;

- 34 samples were collected and extracted from PCB.


In total, 68 water samples for hydrochemical and Toxicological analysis were brought to the laboratory of the Institute.

During of the expedition trips, the planned work was completed in full, without remarks. Currently, field material and water samples are in the stage of processing.

The set goals and objectives are fully implemented in accordance with the field work program. The results will be reflected in the interim and final reports.