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Head of the laboratory – PhD,  Main scientific worker – Doctor
Associate Professor   of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Madibekov Azamat Sansyzbaevich Academician of Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences
  Amirgaliev Nariman Amirgaliev

Brief history of the laboratory. In April 2012, a group of hydrochemists was created as part of the hydrology laboratory of the Department of Water problems. In 2013, founded the Chemical-analytical space, the installation of devices and necessary expeditionary equipment continued in 2014 Nov 25, 2014 by order №22-P a laboratory "Hydrochemistry and environmental toxicology". The laboratory has successfully passed recertification by Almaty branch of JSC "national center of expertise and certification" of RK (certificate №14/21 dated May 19, 2021). The laboratory has A state license to perform research and services in the field of environmental protection №01538R from 22.12.2007 (doctor of science, Professor N. Ah. Amirgaliev).

The laboratory is certified for the right to conduct chemical and toxicological studies of natural water, fish, soil, sediments and precipitation.

Main tasks and services of the laboratory:

  • hydrochemical monitoring of various types of water bodies with a wide range of analyzed parameters: temperature, pH, dissolved gases, group of nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, water mineralization, etc.;
  • determination of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cd, etc.) and mineral salts in water, sediments, soils, fish and precipitation;
  • determination of pesticides, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water, bottom sediments, soils, fish and atmospheric precipitation);
  • issuance of the results of chemical and toxicological analyses with the assessment of their compliance with the current environmental and sanitary standards.

The direction of research:

  • Conducting chemical and toxicological studies of natural waters, fish, soil, bottom sediments and precipitation (in accordance with the scope of certification);
  • Research in the field of hydrochemistry and water toxicology to solve the problems of integrated assessment of the quality of natural waters and the degree of anthropogenic impacts on the ecological and Toxicological state of water resources;
  • Study of the level of accumulation of extremely toxic and dangerous for living organisms and humans persistent organic pollutants (POPS) in the objects of the aquatic ecosystem;
  • Assessment of the current ecological status of large lake systems and individual reservoirs of Kazakhstan;
  • Investigation of the chemical composition of precipitation and accumulation of pollutants in the snow cover.

The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and devices:

  • Atomic absorption spectrophotometer AA-7000 "Shimadzu" (Japan) – designed to measure the content of heavy metals in samples of various natural objects;
  • Ionometer With 933 "Consort" (Belgium) with a set of electrodes;
  • "Horiba" – multiparameter analyzer of U-53 series (Japan);
  • Lowrance HDS-10 echo sounder (USA) is a multifunctional device for echolocation, positioning and structural scanning (LLS-3).
  • Spectrophotometer DR-3900 (HACH-LANGE, Germany) - designed to determine the concentration of various ions and compounds.

The laboratory has the necessary material and technical base:

  • Research vessel Quicksilver Weekend 640 (Belgium);
  • Toyota Tundra car;
  • Mitsubishi L200 car;
  • PM 550.21 Rib boat.

The laboratory uses the devices registered in the ICG RK, the updated normative documents of the RK, Standards and applications.

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Hydrochemical and Toxicological analyses in the laboratory

Personnel: the laboratory has 11 employees: 1 Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor; 3 PhD, including 1 Associate Professor; 1 Candidates of Sciences; 4 Junior researchers; 1 leading engineer; 1 technician.

The available Bank of hydrological and hydrochemical data, scientific and applied developments, availability of qualified specialists, modern devices and equipment allow to carry out a wide range of physical and chemical research in the field of hydrochemistry and environmental toxicology.

Main publication:

  1. Amirgaliyev Man-made water bodies of the Northern and Central Kazakhstan (Hydrochemistry and water quality) // «Bastau», – Almaty, 1999. – 191 p.
  2. Amirgaliyev Aral and Syrdariya basin: hydrochemistry and issues of water toxicology // «Bastau», – Almaty, 2007. – 224 p.
  3. Amirgaliyev, S. Timirkhanov, Sh. Alpeisov Ichthyofauna of Alakol lake system // «Bastau», – Almaty, 2006. – 367 p.
  4. Amirgaliyev, S. Timirkhanov, K. Isbekov Water resources of Kazakhstan: assessment, forecast, management Vol. XIV) // – Karaganda: printing house «ARKO», 2012. – 667 p.
  5. Burlibaev, N. Amirgaliyev, E. Murtazin Guidelines on the organization and operation of the subsystem for monitoring the conditions of transboundary surface waters in Kazakhstan // Approved by order №152 MERK in 11.05.2012 . – Astana, 2012. – 138 p.
  6. Burlibaev, N. Amirgaliyev, E. Murtazin I. Shenberger Dynamic mode hydrochemical and toxicological parameters of transboundary river Irtysh and the nature of their transformation // «Water management in Kazakhstan». – 2012. – №12 (50), – P. 9-20.
  7. Burlibaev, N. Amirgaliyev, I. Shenberger On some problems of the modern transformation of the hydrochemical regime and toxicological parameters of cross-border flow of the Syrdarya river // «Water resources and water use (VRV)». – 2013. – №3 (10). – P. 35-48.
  8. Amirgaliyev About condition of researches in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of aquatic toxicology // «KazNAEN Herald». – Astana, 2013. – №4. – P. 109-113.
  9. Amirgaliyev Polychlorinated biphenyls in water Balkhash Lake and the rivers flowing into it // «Water: chemistry and ecology». – Moscow, 2014. – №9. – P. 101-105.
  10. Ismukhanova, N. Amirgaliyev, K. Bektursunov Monitoring quality parameters of the transboundary outflow in the River Ili // “Proceedings of the IWA 6th Eastern Meets West”. (28-30 May 2014; Istanbul), European Young Water Professionals Conference “EAST”. – Istanbul, 2014. – Р. 132-137.
  11. Burlibaev, N. Amirgaliyev, I. Shenberger Issues of pollution of transboundary rivers in Kazakhstan main. – Almaty «Kaganat» press, 2014. – Tom 1. – 742 p.
  12. Amirgaliyev Polychlorinated biphenyls in the water of transboundary basins in Kazakhstan // Proceedings of the IV All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation "Fundamental Problems of Water and Water Resources. – Moscow, 2015. – P. 133-135
  13. Amirgaliyev, L. Ismukhanova Dynamics of heavy metals in water Kapshagai reservoir on the river Ile // International scientific conference "Problems of hydrometeorological support economic activity in a changing climate” – Minsk, 2015. - P. 48-50
  14. N. Amirgaliyev, L. Ismukhanova, K. Bektursunov, R. Kulbekova The study of heavy metals depending on the mode of water flow in the cross-border area of the Ili River // “Issues of Geography and Geoecology”, – Almaty, 2015. – №2. – P. 9-14.
  15. M. Burlibaev, E. Tursunov, A. Bazhieva and other Globally significant wetlands of Kazakhstan (Alakol-Sasykkol Lake system). – Astana, 2007. – 271 p.
  16. E. Tursunov, A. Bazhieva Small lakes of Shchuchinsk-Borovoye resort area. Environment issues and their decision // Hydrometeorology and ecology. – 2013. – № 2. – P. 172-176.
  17. E. Tursunov, A. Madibekov, K. Kulebaev Modern morphometric characteristics of Balkhash Lake // «Scientific Notes RGMU», a special edition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of prof. A. Doganovski. – 2014. – P. 43-48.
  18. E. Tursunov, A. Madibekov, С. Ranova Comparison of morphometric characteristics of Kapchagai reservoir // Proceedings of the International Conference «Remote and terrestrial Earth exploration in Central Asia». – Bishkek, 2014. – P. 453-456.
  19. A. Bazhieva Hydrochemical and hydrological regimes contact of Shu river // «Hydrometeorology and ecology». – 2014. – №4. – P. 84-90.
  20. V. Cherednichenko A. Madibekov, A. Nyssanbaeva Acidity of precipitation in the Republic of Kazakhstan // European Researcher – International multidisciplinary bilingual journal. – 2014. – Vol.(68). – № 2-1. – P. 294-299;
  21. E. Tursunov, A. Madibekov, A. Bazhieva Balkhash lake bathymetric investigations results // 6thIWA YWP European Water Professionals Conference «EAST meets WEST». 28-30 May 2014, – Istanbul, 2014. – P.339-343.
  22. A. Madibekov, V. Cherednichenko, A. Cherednichenko, A. Nyssanbaeva, А. Zhumalipov Heavy metal content in the snow cover in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Advances in Environmental Biology. – 2014. – P. 1393-1398.
  23. A. Madibekov, A. Bazhieva, S. Alimkulov Climate changes and their influence to the river flow of the South and South-East part of Kazakhstan // Second International science conference “Climatology and Glaciology”, 2015 October 20-23. – Tomsk, 2015. – P.190-198.
  24. Amirgaliev N. A. Ismuchanov L. T., Bektursunov K. E. Assessment of the level of accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in water and bottom sediments of the rivers of the basin of lake Balkhash // Journal "Water magazine". - M., 2017. - № 1 (113). - 50-53. (Cyte. in the RISC)
  25. N. A. Amirgaliev, L. T. Ismuchanov, K. E. Bektursunov An integrated evaluation of water quality of the Kapshagay reservoir on the river // Vestnik KRSU (Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University). - Bishkek, 2017. - Vol. 17. - №1. - P. 109-113. ((Cyte. RSCI, impact factor-0.030)
  26.  Myrzakhmetov A., Dostay Zh., Alimkulov S., Madibekov A. Level regime of Balkhash Lake as the indicator of the state of the environmental ecosystems of the region // International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. – September 2017. – Issue 9. – Vol. 4. – Р. 4554-4563.
  27. S. M. Romanova, O. I. Ponomarenko, A.I. Niyazbaeva, N.A. Amirgaliev Bolat Nurzhanov finday Cat SES-1 salinates - su olmasina sudi zapasy // proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and technical Sciences. - Almaty, 2017. - № 2 (422). - P. 90-98. (Scopus database)
  28. Madibekov A.S., Babkin A.V., Cherednichenko A.V., MusakulА. Latent fluctuation periods and long-term forecasting of Markakol lake level // Materials of the 3rd international conference "environment and sustainable development of regions: environmental challenges of the XXI century" (27-29 September 2017). - Kazan, 2017. - P. 292-295. (Scopus database)
  29. Madibekov A.S., Kogutenko L. The issue of transporting pollutants with atmospheric precipitation // Materials of the 3rd international conference "environment and sustainable development of regions: environmental challenges of the XXI century" (27-29 September 2017). - Kazan, 2017. - P. 295-299. (Scopus database)
  30. Aiman S. Nyssanbaeva, Alexandr V. Cherednichenko, Vladimir S. Cherednichenko, Nurlan N. Abayev, Azamat S. Madibekov Bioclimatic conditions of the winter months in Western Kazakhstan and their dynamics in relation to climate change // International Journal of Biometeorology. Special issue: Asian biometeorology (invited only). – 2018. (
  31.  N.A. Amirgaliev Persistent organic pollutants in river waters in the Ile-Balkhash basin // Materials of international scientific-practical conference "geo-systemic approach to the study of the natural environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on April 13-14 2018, Astana, 2018. - P. 22-26.
  32. Madibekov A.S., Nysanbaeva, M.S., Kurmanova M. (2018) Role of the chemical composition of an atmospheric precipitation in pollution of a surface water // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Volume 5, Number 431 (2018). PP. 120 – 127. ISSN 2224-5278
  33. Amirgaliev N., Askarova M., Normatov I., Ismukhanova L., Kulbekova R. Оn the choice of optimal parameters for the integrated assessment of surface water quality // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – Almaty, 2019. – № 3 (435). – P. 150-158.
  34. Amirgaliyev N., Madibekov A., Normatov I. Аbout the criteria of estimation of surface water quality of kazakhstan on the basis of accounting of its natural features // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2019. – № 4 (436). – Р. 188-198.
  35. Amirgaliev N., Madibekov A., Mussakulkyzy A., Ismukhanova L., Kulbekova R. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the snow cover of Almaty agglomeration of the republic of Kazakhstan // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. Conference proceedings. Volume 19. Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Ecology and Environmental protection. (30 June – 6 July, 2019). Albena, Bulgaria.  –  2019. – P. 541-549.
  36. Amirgaliyev N.A., Madibekov A.S., Musakulkyzy A., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi A.O. Spatial distribution of heavy metals in the snow cover for Almaty agglomeration // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. Conference proceedings. Volume 19. Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Ecology and Environmental protection. (30 June – 6 July, 2019). Albena, Bulgaria.  –  2019. – Р. 679-685.
  37. Amirgaliev N., Askarova M., Normatov I., Ismukhanova L., Kulbekova R. Оn the choice of optimal parameters for the integrated assessment of surface water quality // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – Almaty, 2019. – № 3 (435). – P. 150-158. (БД Scopus)
  38. Amirgaliyev N., Madibekov A., Normatov I. Аbout the criteria of estimation of surface water quality of kazakhstan on the basis of accounting of its natural features // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2019. – № 4 (436). – Р. 188-198. (БД Scopus)
  39. Amirgaliev N., Madibekov A., Mussakulkyzy A., Ismukhanova L., Kulbekova R. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the snow cover of Almaty agglomeration of the republic of Kazakhstan // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. Conference proceedings. Volume 19. Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Ecology and Environmental protection. (30 June – 6 July, 2019). Albena, Bulgaria. –  – P. 541-549. (БД Scopus)
  40. Amirgaliyev N.A., Madibekov A.S., Musakulkyzy A., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi A.O. Spatial distribution of heavy metals in the snow cover for Almaty agglomeration // 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. Conference proceedings. Volume 19. Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Ecology and Environmental protection. (30 June – 6 July, 2019). Albena, Bulgaria. –  – Р. 679-685. (БД Scopus)
  41. Amirgaliev N., Christian Opp., Askarova M., Kulbekova R., Ismukhanova L. Аbout ratio and values of the empirical coefficient of alkali metals (Na+ and K+) in surface waters of Kazakhstan on the example of the Ile river // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – Almaty, 2020. – № 1 (439).
  42. VadimYapiyev, Andrew J.Wade, Maria Shahgedanova, Zarina Saidaliyeva, Azamat Madibekov, Igor Severskiy The hydrochemistry and water quality of glacierized catchments in Central Asia: A review of the current status and anticipated change // Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. – 2021. – V. 38. – РР. 1-19.
  43. Madibekov А., Ismukhanova L., Mussakulkyzy A., Kulbekova R., Zhadi A. Results of AAS-measurements of atmospheric deposition of copper and lead in the snow cover of Almaty agglomeration // Pure and Applied Chemistry. – 2021. – PP. 00010151520210203.
  44. Babkin A.V., Babkin V.I., Madibekov A.S., Mussakulkyzy A., Cherednichenko A.V. Regularities of monthly variations of the Ili river runoff and its forecasting // Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Geograficheskaya, Issue 3, 2021, PР 384-394.
  45. Amirgaliyev N.A., Askarova M., Kulbekova R., Ismukhanova L., Madibekov A., Zhadi A. Monitoring of accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in the snow cover in the Almaty agglomeration // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology sciences. (2021).
  46. Madibekov A.S. Chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in the southern part of Kazakhstan // Monograph. – Almaty: JSC “Institute of Geography and Water Security”, 2021. – 215 p. (ISBN 978-601-7150-96-9) (volume 13.4 pp., circulation 500 copies).
  47. Amirgaliev N.A., Madibekov A.S., Ismukhanova L.T., Musakulkyzy A., Kulbekova R.A., Zhadi A.Ө. Toxic compounds in snow cover and their impact on natural objects of urbanized areas (on the example of the Almaty agglomeration) // Monograph. – Almaty: “Kazakh Universities”, 2021. – 201 p. (ISBN 978-601-04-5705-8) (volume 12.56 pp., circulation 500 copies).
  48. Amirgaliev N.A., Askarova M., Opp C., Kulbekova R., Medeu A.R. Water quality problems analysis and assessment of the ecological security level of the Transboundary Ural-Caspian basin of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Applied Sciences(Switzerland). 2022. 12(4). 2059 CiteScore 3,7, SJR 0,507
  49. Madibekov А, Ismukhanova L, Mussakulkyzy A, Kulbekova R, Zhadi A. "Results of AAS-measurements of atmospheric deposition of copper and lead in the snow cover of Almaty agglomeration" Pure and Applied Chemistry, vol. 94. № 3. 2022. PP. 275-280.  Impact Factor: 2.320
  50. Amirgaliyev, N., Askarova, M., Kulbekova, R., Ismukhanova, L., Madibekov A. Monitoring of accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in the snow cover in the Almaty agglomeration // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2022. – 2022(4). – PP. 28-43.
  51. Amirgaliev N.A., Medeu A.R., Opp C., Madibekov A., Kulbekova R., Ismukhanova L., Zhadi A. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the snow cover of South-Eastern Kazakhstan // Applied Sciences (Switzerland). – 12(17). – 8660 CiteScore 3,7, SJR 0,507
  52. Ismukhanova L., Choduraev T., Opp C., Madibekov A. Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Bottom Sediment and Their Migration in the Water Ecosystem of Kapshagay Reservoir in Kazakhstan // Applied Sciences(Switzerland). 2022. 12(22). 11474 CiteScore 3,7, SJR 0,507
  53. Madibekov A.S., Ismukhanova L.T., Christian Opp., Saidaliyeva Z., Zhadi А.О., Sultanbekova B.M., Kurmanova M. Spatial distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni in the soils of Ili river delta and State Natural Reserve Ili-Balkhash // Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 13(10). 5996 CiteScore 3,7, SJR 0,507 Quartile Q2, Percentile 56.
  54. Madibekov A.S., Karimov A.M., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi А.О., Yegorov A.B. Copper pollution of the snow cover in Almaty // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2023. – V. 1. № 401. – PP. 141-153. CiteScore 1,8, SJR 0,509Х.265 Quartile Q3, Percentile 40.
  55. Madibekov A.S., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi А.О., Sultanbekova B.M., Zhaparkulova E.D. Microplastics in the aquatic environment: overview of the problem and current research areas // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2023. – V. 2. № 402. – PP. 149-159. CiteScore 1,8, SJR 0,509, Quartile Q3, Percentile 40.
  56. Amirgaliyev N., Opp C., Askarova M., Ismukhanova L., Madibekov A., Zhadi A. Long-Term Dynamics of Persistent Organ-ic Pollutants inWater Bodies of the Aral Sea–Syrdarya Basin // Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2023, 13, 11453. CiteScore 3,7, SJR 0,507, Quartile Q2, Percentile 56.
  57. Madibekov A.S., Karimov A.M., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi А.О. Heavy metals in the snow cover and soil of the Ile river delta // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2023. – № 6. – С. 125-144.
  58. Madibekov, A.; Ismukhanova, L.; Opp, C.; Saidaliyeva, Z.; Zhadi, A.; Sultanbekova, B.; Kurmanova, M. Spatial Distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni in the Soils of Ili River Delta and State Natural Reserve “Ili-Balkhash”. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5996.
  59. Madibekov A.S. Heavy metals in depositing environments of the Ile River delta and the Ile-Balkash State Natural Reserve // ​​Monograph. – Almaty: JSC “Institute of Geography and Water Security”, Smart University Press – Almaty, 2023. – 210 p. (ISBN 978-601-269-441-3).
  60. Wade, A.J., Yapiyev, V., Shahgedanova, M., Saidaliyeva, Z., Madibekov, A., Kapitsa, V., Kasatkin, N., Ismukhanova, L., Kulbekova, R., Sultanbekova, B., Severskiy, I., Esenaman, M., Kalashnikova, O., Usubaliev, R., Akbarov, F., Umirzakov, G., Petrov, M., Rakhimov, I., Kayumova, D., Kayumov, A. Cryosphere and land cover influence on stream water quality in Central Asia's glacierized Science of The Total Environment, 2024. Vol. 939. 173525.,  CiteScore 17,6, SJR 1,998Quartile Q1, Percentile 95.
  61. Ismukhanova L.; Madibekov A.; Opp C.; Zhadi A.; Sultanbekova B.; Zhumatayev S. Status and Migration Activity of Lead, Cobalt and Nickel in Water and in Bottom Sediments of Lake Markakol, Kazakhstan. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 7487.
  62. Madibekov A.; Ismukhanova L.; Opp C.; Sultanbekova B.; Zhadi A.; Zhumatayev S.; Madibekova A. Plastic Pollution in the Aquatic Ecosystem of the High-Mountain Lake Markakol (Kazakhstan): First Observations and Conclusions. Appl. Sci. 202414, 8460.
  63. Madibekov A.; Ismukhanova L.; Zhadi, A.; Sultanbekova B.; Zhumatayev S.; Madibekova A. Assessment of the Level of Pollution of the Aquatic Ecosystem of Lake Markakol with Mobile Forms of Copper and Zinc. Evergreen, 2024, 11, 1568-1579.
  64. Kurishbaev A., Amanzholova R., Adenova D., Sagin J., Burlibayeva D., Sarsekova D., Alikhanov K., Serikkanov A., King R. Comparative Assessment of the Mountainous River Basin in Kyrgyz-Kazakh Region of Central Asia with River Basins in Australia, Canada and USA. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 2024, 7(1), 99–122.
  65. Musakulkyzy, A.S. Madibekov, L.T. Ismukhanova, K.M. Bolatov. Integral assessment of the water quality of the Markakol Lake in Kazakhstan part of Western Altai // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2024. – № 3 (465). – Р. 119-132. ( CiteScore 1,8, SJR 0,509 Quartile Q3, Percentile 40.
  66. Бабкин А.В., Бабкин В.И., Мадибеков А.С., Мусакулкызы А., Чередниченко А.В. Прогнозы годового стока р. Жайык (Урал) с учетом автокорреляционных моделей его многолетних колебаний за отдельные месяцы // Гидрометеорология и экология. – 2024. – № 1. – C. 16–25. Импакт-фактор РИНЦ – 0,079 (
  67. Madibekov A.S., Karimov A.M., Ismukhanova L.T., Zhadi А.О., Bolatov K.M. Markakol lake level regime as indicator of climate change // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. – 2024. – № 3 (465). – Р. 82–94.
  68. Нарбаева К.Т., Бурлибаева Д.М., Ахметова Р.Е., Исмаилова Г.К., Женисова Н.Е. Оценка использования речного стока реки Иле на территории Казахстана в условиях естественных и антропогенных изменений. // Гидрометеорология и экология, 2024. – № 3. – С. 20–30.
  69. Амиргалиев Н.А., Мұсақұлқызы А., Мадибеков А.С., Исмуханова Л.Т., Султанбекова, Б.М. Многолетняя динамика трансграничного притока биогенных соединений по реке Или и его трансформация по течению реки. Гидрометеорология и экология, (2), 57–66.
  70. Амиргалиев Н.А., Мадибеков А.С., Исмуханова Л.Т., Жәди А.Ө., Султанбекова Б. Полихлорированные бифенилы в водной экосистеме заповедного озера Маркаколь и впадающих в него рек. Гидрометеорология и экология. – 2024. № 2. – 81–94.
  71. Амиргалиев Н.А., Мадибеков А.С., Исмуханова Л.Т., Жәди А.Ө., Султанбекова Б. Полихлорированные бифенилы в водной экосистеме заповедного озера Маркаколь и впадающих в него рек. Гидрометеорология и экология. – 2024. № 2. – 81–94.

Prospect of development.

The laboratory is developing a promising research direction to assess the impact on the ecosystem of the reservoirs of persistent man-made pollutants like polychlorinated biphenyls, heavy metals, and also an important area of hydrogeological characteristics in the formation and transformation of the composition of the waters of transboundary watercourses and ponds. Work is underway to study the pollution of precipitation and snow cover. Expanding the scope of research in these areas will have an effect on the development of water toxicology in Kazakhstan.

Expeditionary and field research

All topics developed in the laboratory are directly related to the expedition research, the basic information is obtained on the basis of in-situ observations on the water bodies of the country. Expeditionary studies are carried out by the laboratory on all types of water bodies, special attention is paid to the observation of transboundary rivers for the quantitative assessment of the inflow of toxic compounds, including persistent organic pollutants.

Work in expeditionary conditions

Рисунок8 Рисунок11 Рисунок9

Research on lake Balkhash

Рисунок12 Рисунок13 Рисунок14

Sampling of snow and ice on the territory of Almaty agglomeration

Рисунок15 Рисунок16 Рисунок17

Soil sampling on the territory of Almaty agglomeration

Рисунок18 Рисунок19 Рисунок20

Water sampling and analysis of the first day on the Ile river

Рисунок21 Рисунок22 Рисунок24

Water sampling and analysis of the first day on the Ertis river