On April 24, 2019 in connection with the institutional accreditation of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University from the ARQA University accreditation agency, independent experts visited the Institute of Geography with an external visit as a base for students' practice of the KazNU

  1. Evgeny Evgenievich Shvakov - Grand Phd in Economic Sciences, Altai State University
  2. Gani Trendafilov Stamov - Grand Phd in Mathematical Sciences, Sofia Technical University
  3. Klara Zharykbasova Sauykovna - Grand Phd in Technical Sciences, Kazakh Humanitarian-Law Innovation University
  4. Diana Rakhimova Yerkinkyzy –Satpayev University
  5. Myrzakulova Aitolkyn Asankyzy –KazNPU named after Abai