Head of the Department – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Academician of MANEB (Russia), laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology
Toleubayeva Lidiya Sergaziyevna
Department of sufficiency of water supply of natural-economic systems was founded in 2009. In the Institute of Geography, the problems of sufficiency of water supply as a independent thematic direction has being developed since 1995 in the Department of Water Problems. The reason to create an independent department on the base of thematic group was a growth of the circle of tasks solved by the Institute in the area of actual water problems in the Republic, connected with exhaustion and pollution of fresh water.
Research directions
- Development of theory and methods of constructive geography in the area of management of natural waters for the interests of population, environment and industry:
- Methods of assessment, prognosis and optimization of options of sufficient water supply of natural-economic systems in Kazakhstan for the short-term and long-term prospects.
- Hydrological risks in natural-economic systems: theory and methods of assessment and management.
- Control and distribution of water resources in natural-economic systems by principles of sustainable development.
- Mathematical modeling of the development of sufficient water supply systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Geographical bases of national and regional programs of sustainable sufficient water supply of Kazakhstan taking into account territorial redistribution of water resources:
- Possibilities and appropriateness of inter-basins transfer of runoff.
- Mutually advantageous use of runoff of Russian rivers.
- Formation of a Unified system of water supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Water crisis: geographical bases of preventive treatment of formation and neutralization of consequences:
- Concept of formation and development of water crisis.
- Sufficient water supply of river delta – zone of ecological unstability (by example of Kazakhstan Priaralie).
- Sufficient water supply of drainless water bodies – potential zones of ecological instability (by example of Balkhash Lake).
There are three structural divisions within the Department:
– analytical and mathematical groups located in the building of the Institute of Geography (Almaty). These two groups consist of 11 employees, including 2 Doctors of Sciences (I.M. Malkovskiy, L.S. Toleubayeva), 2 Candidates of Sciences (T.Ye. Sorokina, A.Z. Tairov), 5 Masters of Sciences (A. Tolekova, D.U. Abdibekov, R.D. Povetkin, Ye.M. Puzikov)
– expedition group, located in the Priaralskiy ecological center (Aiteke bi village in the delta of Syrdaria river). Leader – Т.N. Krikova.
Research results:
- Worked out concept of security of sufficient water supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on new paradigm of water resources management, combining «water resources management» and «management of water demand».
- Worked out methodical bases of compromised coordination of interests of ecology and economy by solution of problems of sufficient water supply of basin’s natural-economic systems.
- Worked out methodical bases of counting of factor of uncertainty in tasks of water supply in the development of constructive direction of geography: function of hydrological losses, function of hydrological risks, function of acceptable hydrological risks.
- Worked out methodology of formation of long-term scenario of sufficient water supply of natural-economic systems of the Republic. Worked out first version of estimating imitating model of water supply of natural-economic systems – «rough prognosis», based on aggregate water-economic balance in the context of basin’s natural-economic systems.
- Justified necessity of the development of system of inter-basin and transboundary water-economic relations as a strategic priority of security of water safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading as a result to formation of a unified system of sufficient water supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Worked out and realized local system of hydrological monitoring in ecologically depressive regions in the Syrdaria River delta, including net of instrumental monitoring on water object with primary processing of information – Priaralskiy ecological station.
Employees of the Department defended 1 Doctor’s and 3 Candidate’s dissertations due to the materials of researches.
Prospects of the development
Results of researches of the Department are actual and required by the state. Main customers of the research products are the Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Agriculture (Committee for Water Resources), Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Emergency Situations and also jurisdictional organization. Prospects of the Department's development are connected with justification of the National strategy of sufficient water supply in Kazakhstan as a base for sustainable development of the country. Prospective directions are developed in the Department by scientific justification of geographical bases of sustainable sufficient water supply of natural-economic systems in the Republic of Kazakhstan taking into account territorial redistribution of water resources based on principles of constructive geography, ideology of sustainable development, theory of safety of life activity, theory of decision making in conditions of uncertainty, methods of water-economic and hydrological assessments. The main tool for the choice of way of the development of sufficient water supply is working out complex of interrelated models allowing to estimate water resources, prospective demand for water, working out economically effective and ecologically safe alternatives of balanced sufficient water supply of natural-economic systems. Further development of a local system of hydrological monitoring in the Syrdaria river delta along with the use of data of remote sensing provides reliable informational-analytical support to the projects of fundamental and applied researches.
Main publications:
- Malkovskiy I.M. Geograficheskiye osnovy vodoobespecheniya prirodno-hozyaistvennyh system Kazakhstana. Almaty, 2008. 248 s.
- Medeu A.R., Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. Vodnyye resursy Kazakhstana: otsenka, prognoz, upravleniye (kontseptsiya). Almaty, 2012. 94 s.
- Medeu A.R., Malkovskiy I.M., Iskakov N.A., Toleubayeva L.S. Vodnaya bezopasnost Respubliki Kazakhstan: problemy I resheniya. Almaty, 2012. 200 s.
- Territorialnoye pereraspredeleniye vodnyh resursov Kazakhstana: vozmozhnost I tselesoobraznost / Pod red. Malkovskogo I.M. Almaty, 2012. 414 s.
- Toleubayeva L.S. Водообеспеченность Республики Kazakhstan: состояние и перспективы. Almaty, 2012. 238 с.
- Medeu A.R., Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. Vodnaya bezopasnost Respubliki Kazakhstan: sostoyaniye I perspektivy ustoichivogo vodoobespecheniya / Mat-ly mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Yevro-Aziatskaya bezopasnost posle 2010 goda: vyzovy I perspektivy sotrudnichestva». Almaty: Zhibek-Zholy, 2011. S. 196-210
- Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. Scenarii sbalansirovannogo vodopolzovaniya v transgranichnim Ile-Balkhashskom basseine // Integrirovannoye upravleniye vodnymi resursami v Ile-Balkhashskom basseine. Almaty, 2011. S. 77-87 (Pri podderzhke PROON, Pravitelstva Finlyandii I Yevropeiskogo soyuza).
- Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S., Sorokina T.Ye., Tairov A.Z., Askarov A.A. Integrirovannoye upravleniye vodnymi resursami v tselyah vosstanovleniya vetlandov Aralskogo moray (severnaya chast) // Voprosy geografii I geoekologii. Almaty, 2009. № 1-2. S. 35-42.
- Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. Resursy poverhnostnyh vod // Respublika Kazakhstan. T. 1. Prirodnyye usloviya I resursy. Almaty, 2010. S. 282-286.
- Malkovskiy I.M., Iskakov N.A., Toleubayeva L.S. Gidroenergeticheskiye resursy // Respublika Kazakhstan. T. 1. Prirodnyye usloviya I resursy. Almaty, 2010. S. 286-290.
- Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. Gidroekologicheskaya otsenka rechnyh sistem // Respublika Kazakhstan. T. 3. Okruzhayushchaya sreda I ekologiya. Almaty, 2010. S. 77-92.
- Malkovskiy I.M., Sorokina T.Ye., Toleubayeva L.S. Problemy vodoobespechennosti Balkhash-Alakolskoi prirodno-hozyaistvennoi sistemy // Mat-ly XII mezhdunarodnoi konferencii MANEB «Ecologiya I razvitiye obshchestva». 1-4 iyunya 2009 g. Sankt-Peterburg; Sosnovyi Bor, 2009. S. 119-123.
- Toleubayeva L.S., Sorokina T.Ye., Tairov A.Z., Askarov A.A. Sostavleniye bazy dannyh dlya integrirovannogo upravleniya vodnymi resursami v vossozdavayemyh vetlandah delty Syrdarii // Gidrometeorologiya I ekologiya. Almaty, 2009. № 3. S. 176-184