Composition of the study group: project supervisor, SR of A. Madibekov, head of unit, RF L. Ismukhanova, JR A. Zhadi, JR B. Sultanbekova, technician of the 1st category Manapov S.T.
Travel date: 19.03 – 17.04 2021.
Object of research: territory adjacent to the Ile river delta and the state nature reserve «Ile-Balkash».
Purpose: Sampling of snow and soil cover.
- Selection of atmospheric precipitation (snow cover) and soil for hydrochemical, toxicological parameters at established points located on the territory adjacent to the Ile River delta, incl. the territory of the Ile-Balkash State Natural Reserve.
- Installation of Tretyakov's atmospheric precipitation gauge at the Arkhar geoecological station.The route of field research is designed taking into account safety precautions, requirements for work and rest of employees and drivers.
Scheme of sampling points on the territory adjacent to the Ile River delta, including the territory of the «Ile-Balkash» State Enterprise
Based on the results of field studies, samples of snow cover and soil were taken to determine hydrochemical, toxicological parameters, pH and PCBs.
The set goals and objectives were completed in full according to the field work program. The results of field and laboratory studies are reflected in the annual report for 2021.
Photo report of field work on the territory adjacent to the Ile River delta, including the territory of the «Ile-Balkash» State Enterprise