Field research on the topic of GF INN AR05133353: “Monitoring the level of concentration and distribution of toxic compounds in snow cover in the territory of Almaty agglomeration and assessment of their impact on natural objects»

Composition of the study group: head of unit, SR of A. Madibekov, RF L. Ismukhanova, JR R. Kulbekova, JR A. Zhadi.

Travel date: 22.01-27.02. and 08-12.04. 2019.

Object of research: the Territory of Almaty agglomeration (AA).

Purpose: To give a comprehensive ecological and analytical assessment of the degree of pollution of natural objects with toxic compounds by their content in the snow cover.

Tasks: Sampling of solid precipitation snow cover, soil and ice on hydrochemical and toxicological parameters on the territory of Almaty agglomeration.

Схема мониторинговых точек наблюдении на территории Алматинской агломерации

Scheme of monitoring points of observations on territory of Almaty agglomeration

Sampling was carried out in three departures during January 2019 before the mass melting of snow and ice. The AA territory, where sampling points are located according to the degree of technogenic load, was conditionally divided into 5 zones:

  • mountain territories ;
  • the territory of Almaty;
  • settlements of urban type;
  • small settlements;
  • Kapshagay reservoir and its coast.

During the studies, hydrophysical and hydrochemical observations included 4 parameters and 7 toxicological parameters in each snow and ice sample. In the selected soil samples, 6 priority heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyl were determined.

As a result of the expedition research, samples of snow cover, ice and soil were taken:

– for determination of ion-salt composition and content of heavy metals – 125 samples;

– 95 samples were collected and extracted from PCB.

In total, 220 samples of snow cover, ice and soil for hydrochemical and toxicological analysis were brought to the laboratory of the Institute.

The set goals and objectives have been fulfilled in full according to the program of winter field work. The results are reflected in the interim report for 2019.

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The snow sampling

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Soil sampling