Scientific research of JSC "Geography and water safety institute " is of both fundamental and practical importance. Results of fundamental and applied research Research by the Institute of Geography and Water Security is associated with scientific support for geopolitical, water management, socio-economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development of the...
За цикл работ на тему "Цикл научных работ в области устойчивого водообеспечения природно-хозяйственных систем Республики Казахстан в контексте национальной безопасности": Медеу Ахметкала – директора ТОО "Института географии", доктора географических наук, профессора, академика Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан, академика Казахстанской национальной академии естественных наук; Алимкулова Саята Курбанбаевича – заместителя директора по...
The Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the state of geographical research History. Comprehensive geographical research in Kazakhstan began to be carried out in the Sector of Geography at the Kazakh Branch of the Academy of Sciences, created in 1938 as an independent structure by the...
MAIN SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS Improvement of theoretical bases and methods of assessment, prognosis and optimization of geographical systems including water systems taking into account regional specific of Kazakhstan: Theoretical-methodical bases of atlas cartography of the Republic of Kazakhstan at national, regional and branch-wise levels; Theory and calculating methods of components of...